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Wearing a Helmet Might Save Your Life if You are in a Crash

When you are getting ready to ride your motorcycle, you need to make sure that you are ready when you leave home. One of the most important things you can do is to grab your helmet and put it on. This one action can help save your life if you are in an accident, but […]

Use Caution During Springtime Rides on Your Motorcycle

The spring weather is just around the corner. More than likely, you are going to be ready to head out on the open road to enjoy nature’s beauty as the weather warms up. Before you do, make sure that you are familiar with some of the basic risks that motorcycles face on the road so […]

Motorists Can’t Ignore Motorcycles in the Roads

Even though the weather is cooler, motorcyclists might still venture out to enjoy some time on the open road. Unfortunately, drivers might not realize that they are still out and about. This can mean that bikers face an increased risk of injuries due to the inattention of the motorists. This can lead to devastating injuries […]

What’s the Most Common Soft Tissue Injury in a Car Accident?

Soft tissue injuries involve problems relating to the soft areas of the body like muscles, tendons and ligaments. These injuries often include the sprained joints, bruised areas of the body and strained muscles and joints. The most famous and common soft tissue injury that results from car crashes is whiplash. In medical terminology, doctors refer […]

How Do You Survive Slippery Roads on a Motorcycle?

Spring showers bring May flowers, and if you’re in Missouri, the rain keeps coming in June and July. This is great for the crops, but what about the motorcyclists who have to navigate wet and slippery roads? Slippery road conditions can increase the chances of an accident for motorcyclists, but here are a few suggestions that will […]

2 Missourians Killed in Recent Motorcycle Crash

Although they are rare, motorcycle accidents are a part of driving in Missouri. The state rates in the middle of U.S. states and territories when it comes to bike crashes and the injuries they may cause, which is enough to recommend caution for all drivers living or passing through Missouri. Occasionally, a motorcycle accident causes […]

Motorcyclist Killed When Driver Loses Control on I-70

Motorcycles are one of the most popular ways to get around Missouri. From the crowded streets of St. Louis to the rolling fields in the central part of the state, the roads seem to cry out for the freedom and openness of biking. Unfortunately, the advantages and enjoyments of motorcycles come with their share of […]

4 Causes of Motorcycle Crashes that Could Involve Negligence

Every crash involving a motorcyclist has the potential to be devastating, especially for the rider. Motorcyclists are very vulnerable in collisions and can be crushed or thrown from their vehicle more easily than other motorists. Because the damages can be catastrophic in these crashes, lawsuits can be the most effective way to secure the compensation […]