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2 Missourians Killed in Recent Motorcycle Crash

Although they are rare, motorcycle accidents are a part of driving in Missouri. The state rates in the middle of U.S. states and territories when it comes to bike crashes and the injuries they may cause, which is enough to recommend caution for all drivers living or passing through Missouri.

Occasionally, a motorcycle accident causes severe damage or injury and investigators determine that it happened because of another driver’s negligence or aggressive driving. In these cases, the driver at fault may face criminal charges and any victims of the crash may sue for financial restitution to help their recovery.

Two people from Barry County were killed in a recent crash involving their motorcycle and a car near Granby. The Missouri State Highway Patrol and Newton County officials responded to the scene on a recent evening to find the area’s 53rd and 54th motor vehicle fatalities.

Investigators report that a 19-year-old driver was driving west on U.S. Route 60 when he turned left into the path of the motorcycle. Both the driver and passenger of the bike were thrown from their mount and died at the scene. The car’s driver was not hurt in the crash.

The accident is still under investigation and charges may be pending against the driver. Similar accidents are often caused by a driver not seeing a motorcycle until it is too late to avoid a collision.

An attorney may be helpful in determining the likelihood of success for a lawsuit in civil court regarding a motorcycle accident. Legal counsel may help victims and their families recover from tragedy.

Source: KOAM, “Crash In Southwest Missouri Claims Two Lives,” Stacie Strader, June 11, 2018