Tips On How To Avoid A Motorcycle Accident
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that 5,932 motorcyclists died in motorcycle crashes across the United States in 2021. This total represents 14% of all traffic fatalities and the highest recorded number of motorcyclist fatalities since 1974.
How Are Motorcycle Accidents Different Than Car Accidents
Although there may be similarities between motorcycle accidents and motor vehicle collisions, the differences involved, including the cause of the accident, liability issues, and the harm sustained, are significant.
Common Types Of Motorcycle Accidents
According to The National Safety Council, while motorcycles make up just 3% of all registered vehicles in the United States, motorcyclist injuries accounted for 14% of all traffic fatalities and 3% of all occupant injuries in 2021. While people may assume that common types of motorcycle accidents occur simply because motorcycles are smaller and less […]
Traumatic Face Scars Can Occur in Severe Motorcycle Accidents
The lack of a protective outer shell in motorcycle accidents leaves riders vulnerable to debilitating harm such as spinal cord and brain damage. In some crashes, victims escape life-threatening or disabling injuries but are left with traumatic scarring. When these scars affect the faces of accident victims, their trauma is far from over. In most […]
Why Don’t More Motorcycle Riders Wear Visibility Gear?
There is little question that statistically, motorcycles are more dangerous for people than enclosed motor vehicles. Even if the individual motorcycle rider has expert-level skills, the risk is always there that another driver will strike them and cause an accident. Lack of visibility is always a concern for those on motorcycles. Motorcycle riders can protect […]
Motorcycle Safety Tips
Motorcycle riders in Missouri can reduce their odds of becoming involved in an accident by familiarizing themselves with a few basic safety techniques. It may also be a good idea for new riders to participate in classes. Before mounting a motorcycle, the rider should understand that safety gear not only protects the rider from injuries […]
Consider These Points If You’re a Motorcyclist Struck by a Car
Motorcyclists understand how important safety is as they ride, and most are very careful. One of the major risks they face is other drivers not giving them the right of way they are due. Unfortunately, they can’t control this and might end up suffering from serious injuries when they are struck. There are many different […]
Many Factors Affect the Impact of a Motorcycle Crash on the Rider
Motorcycle crashes are tragic because the rider doesn’t have much protection against the impact of a vehicle. Unfortunately, this puts them at an increased risk of death or catastrophic injury when they are involved in a wreck. One factor that can have a positive impact on motorcyclists who are in a crash is wearing a helmet. […]
Autumn Dangers Motorcyclists Should Avoid
The cooler weather is here, which means that leaves will start to fall off the trees. While the changing leaves are undoubtedly beautiful to look at, the falling leaves are one of the most significant hazards that motorcyclists face. Anyone on a motorcycle during this season should know how to handle this danger, as well as a […]
Safety Tips to Help All Motorcyclists
Motorcyclists who are out on the open road need to ensure that they are doing what it takes to remain safe. There are several things that they must do if they want to make it to their destination safely. Knowing what these are now can help you ensure that you are doing what you can. […]