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Failure To Secure Cargo Trucking Accident

A truck carrying what looks to be improperly secured cargo, creating the risk of a trucking accident

A truck carrying cargo can weigh tens of thousands of pounds. When all that tonnage is not properly secured, many bad things can happen. A study by the AAA Foundation showed that cargo falls contributed to more than 200,000 accidents between 2011 and 2014.

What Does A Truck Accident Lawyer Do?

Truck accident scene in urban intersection featuring two semi trucks and an SUV in a multi-vehicle collision, with firefighter in foreground applying sand to roadway.

Eight million truckers travel across the United States on local access roads and broad interstate highways every day. The trucks they drive play a vital role in the supply chain, keeping store shelves stocked and deliveries on schedule.

Accidents Caused By Truck Driver Fatigue

A truck driver in a plaid long sleeve shirt and jeans, sits behind the wheel of his semi-truck, his hand on his forehead, suffering from driver fatigue.

According to the National Transportation Safety Board, driver fatigue is a contributing factor in up to 40% of all commercial trucking accidents. When one considers the debilitating effects of tiredness, this should not come as a surprise.

How Truck Companies Can Help Prevent Underride Crashes

When collisions occur between large commercial trucks and smaller passenger vehicles, the smaller vehicle often suffers extensive damage, and the safety of the occupants is at serious risk. In the vast majority of such collisions, the people who get hurt or die are the occupants of the smaller vehicles rather than those in the commercial […]

Driving Safely Around Larger Vehicles

Across Missouri, people utilize the roadways every day for various purposes. Motorcycles, cars, SUVs and trucks all share the same roads and highways. Each of these vehicles is not only unique in their aesthetics, but they also handle differently and have different safety features. Although smaller vehicles may utilize modern safety technology, the reality is […]

Prepare Your Truck for Winter Driving

Truck drivers provide vital goods and services all year round across the United States. The demand for products, such as food and other essential items, does not decrease throughout the winter. Therefore, trucks and commercial vehicles must remain operational whatever the weather. Unfortunately, colder weather conditions bring with them a number of potential road safety […]

2 Ways You Could Increase Your Risk of a Truck Crash

Commercial truck crashes can be the trucker’s or passenger car operator’s fault. You obviously can’t control what a trucker does, so there is no practical way to protect yourself from a crash caused by a trucker’s distraction or exhaustion after working too many long shifts.  However, you can make decisions that will limit the possibility […]

Trucks Have Long Stopping Distances, Which Can Cause Accidents 

If you take one piece of advice about driving near semi-trucks to heart, it should be this: Do not ever pull in front of a truck that is trying to stop.  You often see this at red lights. A truck will start slowing down with a significant gap between it and the light. A car […]