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What Can I Do To Protect My Rights After A Trucking Accident?

Image of auto being dragged under semi-truck; trucking accident.

After a trucking accident, individuals who have been injured or suffered serious damage to their vehicles may often wonder about how to protect their rights. Trucking companies can command significant leverage, and accident victims may have a variety of concerns. Additionally, trucking accidents can differ from crashes between passenger cars in the number of parties that may carry liability – a factor that may be further complicated in states like Missouri that apply the principle of comparative fault in determining each party’s degree of financial responsibility for a motor vehicle accident. To get answers to your questions and discuss your concerns with a seasoned Missouri truck accident lawyer, consider scheduling a consultation with Steelman Gaunt Crowley. We are committed to serving accident victims’ needs and advocating for our clients’ interests. Our office offers free initial case evaluations, so call (573) 341-8336 today to get started. 

What Is a Trucking Accident? 

A trucking accident is a collision involving a large commercial truck or tractor-trailer. The term applies to both truck-on-truck crashes and those in which a commercial truck strikes a passenger vehicle, or vice versa. Trucking accidents can be extremely serious due to the size and weight of commercial tractor-trailer vehicles used for hauling freight. 

Trucking accidents can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Driver fatigue
  • Speeding
  • Reckless driving
  • Improper loading of cargo
  • Mechanical failures
  • Poor weather conditions

Identifying the factors leading to the incident is usually an important early step toward determining fault. The parties primarily responsible for carrying out motor vehicle accident investigations in Missouri are often insurance companies, according to the Missouri Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions, & Professional Registration. An attorney experienced in Missouri liability law may be able to explain how the truck accident investigation process applies to your situation. 

Why Are Trucking Accidents a Serious Issue? 

Trucking accidents present a significant hazard on the roadway, accounting for 6% of all fatal vehicle crashes in the years 2008-2022, according to the National Safety Council (NSC). Unfortunately, the size and weight of commercial trucks can make trucking accidents both more likely as well as increasing the risk of serious injury and loss of property when they do occur. The sheer mass of the vehicles themselves can limit the driver’s own field of vision and block the view of other drivers on the road. A fully-loaded semi-truck may need significant distance before it can come to a stop – distance that may not always be available in a roadway emergency. An empty truck, on the other hand, may be subject to swaying back and forth in the lane of travel, especially during areas or seasons of high wind. All of these factors can make it harder to avoid a trucking accident, even when truck drivers and the drivers of most other vehicles sharing the road are aware of the importance of avoiding precisely such an event. 

Steps To Take After a Truck Accident 

In the immediate aftermath of a collision, it can be difficult to determine the most appropriate next steps. Keeping a list of steps to take after an accident can make it easier to stay calm and follow the recommended procedures. Some steps that may help to protect your safety and rights after a trucking accident include: 

  • Call emergency services. An emergency dispatcher will typically send law enforcement officers to the scene of the crash. The police report they establish can prove helpful in establishing a basis for determining fault. Emergency services will also be in a position to dispatch paramedics, who may be able to provide crucial first aid on-location in cases that involve severe truck accident injury. 
  • Collect contact information on the truck driver, the trucking company, and the commercial auto insurance provider. This step is similar to the exchange of information most drivers know to complete with their peers in any motor vehicle collision; however, because additional parties can be involved in a trucking accident, it may help to be thorough at the outside and collect information for not only the driver, but the company with whom they are working and the commercial as well as any supplementary insurance policies.
  • Take photos at the scene of the crash. This step may be more applicable in some instances than in others. If unsafe conditions or the administration of urgent paramedic care make taking photos impractical, consider asking a passenger or bystander to take photos on your behalf.
  • Ask for a copy of the police report. If possible, get the badge numbers of the officers who respond to the accident in order to facilitate the processing of the information request. 
  • Seek medical attention. Whether emergency first aid is needed at the scene of the accident or not, it is important to seek medical attention and a professional medical evaluation as soon as possible after any collision. Some potentially serious injuries may not be immediately obvious at the scene of the crash. A trained medical professional can often use diagnostic tools and procedures to identify injuries early, even if their symptoms have not yet emerged – facilitating an early start to treatment and establishing medical documentation that links the accident victim’s injuries with the trucking accident event.

A Missouri personal injury lawyer with Steelman Gaunt Crowley may be in a position to explain to you further steps you can take to protect your rights after a trucking accident. 

How Truck Accident Lawyers Protect Accident Victims’ Rights

Individuals who have just experienced a trucking accident can easily find themselves overwhelmed by medical expenses, lost wages, and complex legal procedures. A truck accident lawyer can often help to protect these individuals’ rights and support them in ensuring just compensation for their injuries and the costs of vehicle repairs or replacement.

Speak With a Missouri Trucking Accident Lawyer To Ensure Your Legal Rights Are Protected

If you have suffered physical injuries or serious property losses in a Missouri trucking accident, you may have questions about how to protect your rights as you navigate the often complex insurance claim process. An experienced Missouri truck accident lawyer may be able to walk you through the various factors involved and explain to you how each of them applies to your case. The seasoned truck and auto accident team at Steelman Gaunt Crowley offers free consultations to victims of trucking accidents, so consider scheduling your own no-risk appointment by calling our office today at (573) 341-8336 to speak with a member of our staff. al rights.