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[ Truck Accidents ]

The answer to “How do you prove wrongful death?” is to gather evidence demonstrating that the individual died as a result of someone else’s negligence or actions.

How Do You Prove Wrongful Death?

If an individual dies due to another party’s intentional or negligent acts, the deceased person’s family may choose to bring a lawsuit against that party to recover damages

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A truck carrying what looks to be improperly secured cargo, creating the risk of a trucking accident

Failure To Secure Cargo Trucking Accident

A truck carrying cargo can weigh tens of thousands of pounds. When all that tonnage is not properly secured, many bad things can happen. A study by the AAA Foundation showed that cargo falls contributed to more than 200,000 accidents between 2011 and 2014.

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Truck accident scene in urban intersection featuring two semi trucks and an SUV in a multi-vehicle collision, with firefighter in foreground applying sand to roadway.

What Does A Truck Accident Lawyer Do?

Eight million truckers travel across the United States on local access roads and broad interstate highways every day. The trucks they drive play a vital role in the supply chain, keeping store shelves stocked and deliveries on schedule.

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