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Missouri Dog Bite Lawyer

Man may need a dog bite lawyer after medium black and white dog bites his hand Man may need a dog bite lawyer after medium black and white dog bites his hand

Dog bites can cause serious injuries to the victims and result in legal complications. When an attack occurs, it is important to seek medical assistance immediately. Next, seek help from a skilled dog bite lawyer who will fight for the victim’s legal rights. If you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog in Missouri, consider contacting an experienced personal injury lawyer with Steelman Gaunt Crowley today by calling (573) 341-8336 to schedule a consultation.

Understanding Dog Bite Laws in Missouri

The dog bite laws that have been enacted in the state of Missouri are designed to protect the victims and hold the dog owners accountable for the actions of their pets. According to the Missouri Revisor of Statutes, section 273.036 states that dog owners can be held liable for any bodily injuries or damages to property that their dogs cause. The state of Missouri follows a strict liability rule, meaning that a dog’s owner is responsible for damages caused by his or her dog, regardless of the owner’s prior knowledge of the dog’s tendency to be vicious. 

Conversely, if the injured party is determined to be at fault in the dog bite incident, he or she will be responsible for a percentage of the damages equivalent to the percentage of fault. The liable party under this statute will be charged a fine of up to $1,000 in addition to other remedies available via statute or common law. Having a general understanding of the specific dog bite laws in Missouri can help a victim to navigate the legal process and seek compensation for his or her injuries. 

Steps To Take After a Dog Bite Incident

When a person has been bitten by a dog in Missouri, taking the following steps can help to protect the victim’s health and legal rights: 

  • Seek medical attention: As soon as possible after the incident, visit a doctor or hospital for treatment. When dogs bite, they can cause serious injuries, and many dog bites require immediate medical treatment. Depending on the situation, the victim may need to undergo a series of rabies shots to prevent infection.
  • Report the incident: Victims of dog bites need to file a report with the local animal control or police department. They will document the incident and take the necessary steps to help prevent future attacks from the same animal.
  • Collect evidence: As soon as possible after the incident, gather photographs of the victim’s injuries, witness statements, and copies of medical bills and records.
  • Contact a dog bite lawyer: Find a personal injury attorney who can guide you through the legal process of holding the dog’s owner liable and pursuing compensation for the injuries and damages.

Compensation Available for Dog Bite Victims

Dog bite victims in Missouri may find that they are entitled to compensation for certain expenses incurred due to their injuries and damages. Depending on the case, compensation may include amounts to cover medical and rehabilitation costs, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering. The amount of compensation a victim receives depends on several factors, including the severity of the injuries and the impact of those injuries on the victim’s life. A seasoned dog bite lawyer from Steelman Gaunt Crowley may be able to help assess the value of a victim’s claim and negotiate with insurance companies or pursue a lawsuit to seek fair compensation for the damages.

Importance of Hiring a Knowledgeable Dog Bite Lawyer

When looking for a personal injury attorney to help with a dog bite case in Missouri, it helps to hire a lawyer who is experienced with dog bite cases. A dog bite lawyer will have an understanding of the state laws and local regulations that govern dog bite cases.

Lawyers who are accustomed to handling similar cases will be familiar with effectively negotiating settlements from insurance companies and, when necessary, presenting a strong case in court. Hiring a skilled lawyer may help to expedite the process and improve the chances of receiving fair compensation for the injuries and damages from the biting incident.

Factors To Consider When Choosing a Dog Bite Lawyer

When searching for a personal injury lawyer to handle your dog bite case in Missouri, there are several important factors to consider. Some of this information can be obtained prior to meeting with the attorney. The rest of the information is typically accessible during or immediately after a confidential consultation. The following factors can help you find dog bite lawyer who will be a good fit for your case:

  • Research the lawyer’s experience and expertise in handling not just personal injury cases but specifically dog bite cases. Does the lawyer have experience settling this type of case or taking the case to court? 
  • Look into the attorney’s track record and success rate for obtaining favorable outcomes for clients. Search for client reviews online or ask friends and family for recommendations.
  • Consider the lawyer’s communication style and accessibility. Will the lawyer be available to answer questions and provide updates on your case at the frequency and in the manner that you prefer?
  • Discuss the lawyer’s fee structure and make sure it aligns with your expectations and budget.

Tips to Prevent Dog Bites, Especially for Children

Because children experience a greater number of dog bite incidents with serious injuries to the head, neck, and face, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services provides a list of tips to help children (and adults as well) prevent dog bite incidents, which can also help to prevent rabies infections. Those tips include the following:

  • Never touch animals that you do not know
  • Avoid direct contact with strays
  • Be careful when nursing sick or injured animals
  • Never disturb a dog that is eating, sleeping or taking care of puppies

Contact a Missouri Dog Bite Lawyer for Help With Your Case Today

Because dog bites often cause significant injuries to the victims and can have serious legal implications, it is important to seek help from a skilled dog bite lawyer after an attack. If you or a loved one has been the victim of a dog bite, consider contacting an experienced Missouri personal injury lawyer with Steelman Gaunt Crowley today by calling (573) 341-8336 to learn more about your legal rights.